3 Cute Baby Kittens

21/07/12: All 3 of these little cuties traveled to Germany a week ago, Metha and Clara to a home together, and Romy to join Apollo, another AlStrays cat from MatzCatz, now about a year old. Romy has been sleeping in the bed of her trial family, and loves her parents, even cuddling for 2 hours in her new Mum’s hands. Whether she stays depends on if Apollo likes her, but he is starting too. Metha and Clara meanwhile are cuddling and playful and their new family are very happy with both of them. Enjoy their new photos in the gallery below.

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07/06/12: Romy, Metha and Clara are 3 very cute little kittens, just about 2 months old that are currently being fostered by Matt. They were found by an Englishman in Mojacar, and although a little feral at first, are coming around fast to human contact in Matt’s conservatory. They will be ready to travel to Germany by the end of July and by then I think we will have 3 friendly little girls. Romy, the little black, longer-haired one, is the most shy, but Metha and almost white Clara, are now quite happy to be picked up. All are playful and very very sweet. I always thinks it is a shame that they cannot travel sooner, so that their adoptants can enjoy them at this adorable age!

Fluffy Girl Romy

Fluffy Girl Romy
Fluffy Girl Romy
Cheeky, Playful Metha
Cheeky, Playful Metha
Cheeky, Playful Metha
Cheeky, Playful Metha
Metha With Clara
Cute Little Clara
Cute Little Clara

Cute Little Clara

2 thoughts on “3 Cute Baby Kittens

  1. MaPu

    they are so sweety….
    but Romy is my special one….( you knows Sandra, haha)

  2. Sands Post author

    Yvonne and I knew you would love him as soon as we saw him!

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