We have said many times before that Germany has one of the strictest policies towards the implementation of TRACES AND the regulations regarding the import of rescue animals.
The charity in Germany has always had to be registered to import animals (separate license for cats and dogs) and they are given an annual quota that they can import.
Today I received this information from an organisation that have re-homed two dogs to Germany, that are going to be fostered by a private couple. As part of the TRACES process they had to get their address validated.
xxxxx and xxxxx in Germany called me.
They asked for the validation of their address.
Yesterday they had visit from some official. He fully inspected their house, their garden, their fencing, their dogs. They had to show passports of their dogs. For 1 dog the rabies vaccination was slightly overdue. The Vaccination was registered for 3 yrs but in Spain only 1 yr validity.
They now have to have him revaccinated asap and send him proof of revaccination.
And they have to keep xxxxxxx and xxxxxx separate form him for 21 days.
And they have to send him the full blood test for xxxxxx and xxxx.
We do these tests, but not at all obligatory for TRACES or import according to EU rules.
They say it is because they are private persons, not an association, the man said that if they would foster another dog they would have to become an association.