575 whales were slaughtered in this one country

This year was the largest slaughter of whales in Norway in over 5 years, the body count totaled 575 minke whales. This number is particularly staggering when you learn that most Norwegians don’t even eat whale meat! A recent poll revealed that only 2% of Norwegians eat whale meat with any regularity and virtually no young people do. So why is the government still allowing this cruel industry to flourish and even spending money to prop it up?

Sign the petition to urge the government of Norway to finally ban antiquated and cruel whaling!

The whaling industry is extremely cruel: about 1 in 5 whales hit by a harpoon do not die immediately and instead suffer a slow and painful death. Additionally, two-thirds of the whales killed are female and half of those are actually pregnant when they die! Whales are a critical part of the ocean’s ecosystem and a boon for tourism in Norway. For these reasons and more, the vast majority of Norwegians think whaling should be banned. Will you sign the petition to urge the government of Norway to finally do away with whaling?

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