Regular Leishmania Testing

We have written before about the reasons why you should test your Spanish Dog for Leishmania, but a recent conversation with our vet highlighted that many are having an initial …

Leishmania Testing

One of the questions we are most frequently asked is “Do I have to test my Spanish dog for Leishmania?” The answer, unfortunately, is no, you don’t have to. At …


Please ensure that you have read ALL the information on the site relating to the transport of your animal with ALStrays Transport. In submitting a booking request you are confirming …

Leis Guard

Further to our recent post relating to regular Leishmania testing I wonder how many people use Leis Guard (costs about 15€). It is a fluid that you give to your …

Terms and Conditions

Please ensure that you have read ALL the information on the site relating to the transport of your animal with ALStrays Transport. In submitting a booking request you are confirming …

Health Certificates

Currently (September 2013) a clinical examination or health certificate is not required for transport under the PETS Travel Scheme (see AHVLA letter below), but, and it is a significant but …