Spain Starting To Do TRACES Again

Signs that pet transporters will soon be on the move again from Spain as today have been informed that Malaga have started to process TRACES again, although to date no …

TRACES Speculation Continues

NOT a new subject, and I accept this is currently only speculation, but it is speculation that appears not to be going away as once again the Government Vets at …

TRACES: Use of Multiple Vehicles

Since launching our UK based pet transports, in particular the Calais Shuttle Service (where we meet a pet transporter in Calais and bring twenty animals over for them), and the …

TRACES: 2019

Throughout 2018 we have regularly posted that we have been told that the authorities would be ‘looking at’ the TRACES Scheme with a view to tightening up what they perceive …

TRACES Contact Info

TRACES once again seems to be causing all kinds of rumours and speculation, so for the record they have made NO CHANGES to the TRACES system or process. The fact …


Couple of subjects over the last couple weeks have left me aware that there still remains more than a little ‘confusion’ over TRACES the PETS Scheme, and the DEFRA Certifications …