29/12/11: Henrietta didn’t actually spend too long at Anke’s. Within a week she was off to her adoptant in Switzerland, who loved her from the start. Last night I received a lovely email from her: “Hello I am Johanna Verena Frei from Switzerland. I adopted Henrietta. She is a princess, I love her sooo very much, we are real friends. I never want to miss her I can t believe a life without her. My friend Günter also loves her very much when ever he visits us his pleasure is great to see his two women….. In the beginning Henrietta prefered me but with the time she also loves him.
Henrietta’s contacts are easier for her with women, must also be the voice and men’s voices sometimes can be deeper…..and that she doesn’t like so much.THANK YOU THAT HENRIETTA BROUGHT ME SO MUCH PLEASURE IN MY DAILY LIFE.
All the really best for you and your life. In love and with a bad english…I hug you
Johanna Verena and Miau miau from Henrietta.”
24/10/11: It seems that Henrietta is starting to cause a little havoc at Anke’s … naughty girl!!
“What a night. Henrietta slept with me in bed till 2.30 am. Then my cats decided that they wanted more food and so Henrietta woke up… and she IS a little Siam. She can cry very loud ;-)))) At 6.30 am there was a big bang and after that I could clean up the corridor from broken glass. But Henrietta feels good, I think. Not so Oli. She doesn´t like her. She is not aggressive but she is abnormally calm, she hides herself behind Hannibal and Charly most of the time and she growls if she is seeing Henrietta. It is a little bit like she would say: This is my home and this are my friends. Go away! This morning Oli didn´t eat!!!!! That is very very unusual. But she is too nervous. My little princess!” From the photos below, Henrietta, is definitely not a nervous cat, much more a confident, relaxed one.
A Relaxed Henrietta
23/10/11: Anke has also been charmed by Henrietta: “What a wonderful tame cat! The last houre she slept on my legs and now she is playing.” I think her new Mum is going to love her from the first!
22/10/11: Henrietta is also today on her way to Germany. She came to Almerimar on Thursday for the last 2 nights and has been charming us all. She is a beautiful cat in looks and manner and I am sure will make her adoptant very happy. Henrietta will spend her first week with Olivita and her own cats at Anke’s until her adoptant can come from Switzerland to collect her. It has taken a little time to find the right home for Henrietta but she will have her garden, which was important to me. AND this week Theo/Diego’s Mum is coming to visit Henritta because Henrietta is Diego’s cat Mum!
18/07/11: This is the gorgeous Henrietta from Cobdar in the hills above Almeria. She was helped by a kind English couple after she escaped from the hen-house where her farmer owner had locked her. Susan and Brooke looked after her and have kept one of her sons from a previous litter, but then contacted me via PAWs after she had 4 more beautiful kittens, all now in Germany. Susan then asked her Spanish owner about sterilising Henrietta. He was so un-concerned that now I am looking for a home for Henrietta too!
She was very run-down after her last litter but now is gaining strength and looking great. She is a very beautiful siam-mix with a dash of ginger. Her young life has been pretty tough until recently, including being shot with an air rifle, and having we believe 3 litters. Henrietta is however still only about 2 and I’m sure a better life of love and care will be hers soon. She does need a garden as she loves to be out in the fresh air, so we must find the right home for this beautiful girl where she can be very happy.
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
Gorgeous Henrietta
This cat looks so cute. She is truly looks gorgeous.I love her photos 🙂 .
Cliche I know, but feedback like that make it all so worth while. Simply heart warming to have such good news!