A Home For Tommy


Tommy’s New Friend

Great news this week that a foster home has finally been found for Tommy our FIV positive old Tomcat.

This has taken a long time, not helped by summer holidays, but it seems that Kerstin has found him a very special foster home, where he can stay as long as he needs to. Tommy has FIV, which means he is immuno-deficient, but he can in fact live a long and healthy life, as the condition is not as serious as the human equivalent. I made the decision after his positive blood test in April that I wanted to save Tommy because he deserved to have a chance of a happy life, and Nicola and Erika have looked after him brilliantly while we waited for the right home in Germany.

If you want to see photos and video of this beautiful character cat then please click, or click on his name in the Tag Cloud to see all my posts about him.

Tommy will be off to his new home on October 20th via Air Berlin. Kerstin has also found him a flight partner, so he can travel to Munich in style with less stress, and Pam has volunteered to go on a shopping trip to Alicante to drive him to the airport. Things seem to have fallen into place. I will send him on his way with some bags of his favourite Hills food, so that he isn’t too cross on arrival, AND as you can see from these photos he has a new friend waiting for him, also FIV positive but looking good.

Meet Socks who at 8kg is even larger than out 7kg boy. I think they will make a great pair, and his new family are waiting impatiently and are already in love with him.

Tommy is one of our biggest rescue stories, but I think is worth everything we have done for him, and that includes Pam feeding him and patching him up for years on the rocks. He is so loving, I am sure he must once have had a home, so it is high time that he had one again. Enjoy the photos and watch out in about a month’s time for new ones of Socks with Tommy.


Tommy’s New Friend


Tommy’s New Friend

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