A Little Visitor

Happy On Chris’s Knee

Yesterday little 3-month old Oscar arrived for a short stay. Dawn (his rescuer) has had to go back to the UK for a couple of weeks, so Oscar is starting his holidays with us. We are all hoping he will benefit from having my cats (definitely Mori) to play with.

So far Mori has been brilliant and not aggressive at all; he seems actually a little bemused by this funny little thing that keeps rushing towards him and then backing off hissing. I’m predicting that by the end of the day they will be friends, and in the meantime he is definitely keeping Mori occupied. Saidi meanwhile is a little more wary, but as yet she hasn’t been hiding from him.

Overall Oscar seems fine, if still a little feral. Dawn and Nick rescued him from the water a few weeks ago and at the time he was very wild. Now he seems much better, although still a little nervous of human contact. Last night he had a nice cuddle with Chris and purred when we stroked him, but this morning he definitely didn’t want to be picked up. This is not a surprise as he doesn’t know us yet. He does however love playing with all the little balls here, actually has very good ball skills and seems to like interacting with us while he plays.

He is certainly adorable and full of playful energy and very welcome. i think we are going to enjoy his little stay with us.

Handsome Oscar

Playing With Mori

4 thoughts on “A Little Visitor

  1. Chris

    Sweet he is, and very playful and confident. He is also a little sod grwoling hos way around the apartment.

    Mori is being great with him, Saidi is ignoring him.

    Could be a ‘fun’ few days!!!

  2. Pam Roberts

    I also have ‘fostered’ Tabitha one of Dawn’s cats – what a night!! Had to put Bono in the kitchen with bed and litter tray as Tabitha now has the computer room.This didnt go down well with Bono who systematically took the kitchen apart, knocked most things down off the worktop and then started trying to open the big plastic bag of my cats Diet Food.2 of my cats were up and down all night as something else crashed onto the kitchen floor.I was glad to get up and start putting everywhere to rights. Bono is now alpha male and chases my cats all over the flat – good exercise for my seriously overweight Capone – tufts of his hair are all over the place.
    Things finally quietened down and Bono crept into bed with Rufus who wasnt too sure about that at first but they snuggled down together. Come back Dawn.

  3. Pingback: Almerimar & Spanish News: w/e 28th February 2009 | AlmerimarLife

  4. Pingback: Fostering Oscar | AlmerimarLife

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