Almerimar Cats Coffee

Yesterday afternoon we had our first Almerimar cats coffee, in the Milenio. I’m hoping that we’ll get together most weeks and Wednesday at 4pm seems to be the agreed time. Yesterday we met at 5pm and coffee was followed by glasses of wine, and a good girlie chat was had by all AND we even managed to talk a little about plans to help the stray cats next year.

As more people become involved fostering cats and helping in any way they can, I’m hoping that there will be more of us, and of course ,men are welcome too, although to date our men-folk have been taking more of a ‘supportive’ rather than an actively involved role, which is maybe the best way. As my husband would definitely say one apparently mad cat person in the house is enough for now, although I would question the mad bit!

Pam, Jenny, Dawn and Mary

AND Me Too!!!

Anyway it was good to get everyone together, and the big topic this week was coordinating our cat drop for tomorrow. We will all be up around 5am as we are picking up the Almerimar kittens from their foster homes and taking them along with Smokey Boy to meet the van to a new life in Germany. I think this will be a little sad for all of us involved, but we have done a great job. Thank you everyone and see you all next week at 4pm, again in the Milenio.

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