Almerimar Life Strays Coffee

I was thinking that maybe it would be a good idea if those of us involved in helping the strays in Almerimar got together once a week to touch base, make sure we know who is doing what, and have a bit of fun!!!!

Nothing too formal or structured but having just about got to the end of the ‘Casa Crisis’ it makes sense to see what we can do on an ongoing basis to ensure that the problem doesn’t arise again and we can continue to work closely with Germany.

So for those interested I am going to stick Wednesdays at 5 pm in my diary every week starting on the 10th December at Cafe Milenio (suggest we take the opportunity to try different places each week?)

So ……………. if you are interested let me know ideally via a comment on the site so that everyone can see who is going. I will use the site each week to confirm the venue for that week.

Hope to see you on the 10th and thanks for all your support and help to date and your kind comments and words over Orla.

5 thoughts on “Almerimar Life Strays Coffee

  1. Mary

    Happy to meet up once a week. Have been speaking to Gisela today as I am going up to clean out the trays tomorrow. I have told her that I will definitely be there Tuesday but I can’t stay long as I have to get back for Ika by 3.30 (have put her back half an hour). So, I´ll go up in my car as I will need to leave before everyone else. Also am genuinely interested in meeting G’s daughter.

  2. Pam Roberts

    Count me in – I will put the 10th Dec. at 5 pm in my Diary – but just wonder about the time – its ok for me but if people have kids it may not be a very convenient time???

    Also I would like to bring up the subject of Coffee Mornings or something similar to raise more money to get the Port Cats spayed/castrated – book sales are not going to bring in enough money – – perhas a bring and buy sale, or a clothes swap etc etc.

  3. Chris

    @ Pam ….. I am already trembling in anticipation at the WI style calendar for next year!!!!

    A series of ongoing fundraising efforts would be good. In my experience ‘one offs’ are god if big, but ongoing events and opportunities to donate are the best.

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