Almerimar Strays Book Sale

A reminder that this Saturday, being the last one in the month, is the Almerimar Strays book, DVD and CD sale. Everything is brilliant value, and in support of our work with the stray cats, so please come along and support us. The sale is between 12 and 2pm at the Ankara Bar. Hope to see you there.

3 thoughts on “Almerimar Strays Book Sale

  1. Sands Post author

    235€ raised FANTASTIC. Well done to Pam & Mary, & to Irene for her contribution AND thank you to everyone who gave books, CDs, DVDs etc. AND to everyone who turned up to support us and bought things. There will be another one at the end of next month and Pam tells me more books are needed, so please contact us if you have some to donate.

  2. Pam Roberts

    We had a very successful Book,CD and DVD Sale yesterday and raised 235 euros.Thanks to everyone who came along and bought Books etc.This means we can catch a few more cats and have them sterlised and we start again tomorrow hoping to catch 2 females for spaying, they will then spend a few nights at Gisela’s and will eventually be released back into the wild and not get into trouble again.

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