February 26th
This morning we failed to catch the second of the 2 Nautico kittens for sterilisation, so she must now wait another 10 days. This was frustrating as yesterday she was actually in the catch box, but our appointment with vet Miguel was for today. We MUST catch her soon or we will have more little feral kittens!
Good news is that her sister, although she has obviously chewed round her stitches, seems fine after her operation last week.
Other news is that our 2 visitors from Murcia, Froylan and Flofy, were re-united with their cat home on Monday, just for a few days, and are flying to their adoptants in Germany today. I am slightly worried as the little boy still had fungus when we handed them over, but I expect good news of them soon, and have been promised photos of them in their new home. Thank you to Mike and Jane for looking after them so well.
Chivers continue to eat well and talk a lot at Pam’s, and yesterday managed to see off her dog Rufus, who was NOT supposed to be in the same room. Chivers apparently trebled his perceived size, with fur and attitude, and terrified poor Rufus, who has definitely met his match!!! Fortunately Chivers’s foster home in Germany has no dogs.
Lucia and Cosmo are both still very nervous, but after about 20 mins each, we did manage to get them into boxes and off to Miguel last week for final vaccinations, and both are now ready to travel to their foster homes in Germany, where I hope, with lots of individual attention, they will start to make better progress soon.
Meanwhile Marty and Trixie kittens are both doing very well, and are lovely little cats that their adoptants are waiting impatiently for.
Fortunately on the transport side I had better news this week. Karin has found a new driver, their van is back in Spain, and she hopes to drive from the dog protectora to Germany on March 13th. We will have all 5 of our foster cats ready to go, and for the first time in over a year we will be able to have a rest from re-homing, assuming another cat needing help doesn’t turn up in the next 2 weeks that is! This will give us more time to widen the scope of our sterilisation programme a little.
For now, all is quiet, so we have time to fund-raise and take stock, AND enjoy the photos that come back from Germany of our VERY happy, re-homed rescue cats. This morning, Mary and I met another couple, who were asking why we send cats to Germany, and didn’t appear to believe us when we said they all had great homes. There will always be doubters who don’t want to listen, but I know that readers of this blog, will understand what we have achieved here, and how worth while it all is.
And in case you didn’t read my post yesterday, this lovely photos is of Smokey Boy, on the left.

Smokey Boy & Friend
February 13th
I’m just back from releasing one of the Nautico kittens after her sterilisation yesterday. It was a relief to catch the first of these now 8 month old kittens before she became pregnant. We will aim to get her sibling, we think another female, in about 10 days when vet Miguel will be back at the dog sanctuary.
I got home to this fantastic new photo of Tommy in my in-box. He looks VERY happy, and it is great that his new Mum is keeping in touch with us.
Yesterday was my second trip to see Miguel this week. On Tuesday we took Marty and Trixie kittens for their final vaccinations, and it was little Chibi’s turn for sterilisation. Next week we must catch the still rather nervous Cosmo and Lucia for their injections, and big Chivers will come too. He is now at Pam’s and enjoying being thoroughly spoilt by his friend of several years.
After giving Dawn sleepless nights crying in the early hours, he is being a very good boy at Pam’s! We think this is partly because he has adjusted to being inside and got over his castration, and because Pam has been at home a lot over the past few days so he is getting LOTS of company in the daytime. He has become a real cuddle boy, and has been watching TV and chatting to Pam on the sofa in the evenings! Today the plan is to introduce him carefully to Pam’s 2 cats. If all seems well then he will be able to mix with them a little. We must be careful because of his FIV.
Other news concerns our visitors from Murcia. Poor little Froylan is still covered in fungus, so now has some new foul pink medicine, which he tried very hard to spit out. Jenny seems to have cracked it by mixing it into very strong tasty tuna. We are really hoping this and regular baths with finally get rid of this infection. Strangely he still has all his fur so seems fairly unaffected by his little problem. Some of us who have spent time with him however have not been quite so lucky!
We still have no news of when the transports to Germany will start again from the dog sanctuary, and I am starting to look at alternative van runs. Until we get something sorted we cannot take in any more cats, apart from in an emergency. So the focus will remain on sterilising our ‘at risk of getting pregnant’ females.

Happy Tommy