Sunday March 14th
Great news this morning, that all our cats have arrived safely in Germany. We did get our 4 boxes on the transport and Chivers, Lucia, Cosmo, Marty & Trixie all set off from here early yesterday morning, to a rather colder Germany!
Friday March 12th
Things have been thankfully a little quieter so far this year, giving us time to focus on some much needed fundraising. I was therefore about to write that all our remaining foster cats were off to a rather cold Germany (pictured) on Saturday, until Tuesday that is!
On Tuesday morning, I met Tigre for the first time, and took him up to vet Miguel. After this rather bad day he has been settling in at foster Mum Jayne’s where I visited him yesterday. He was very nervous and hiding, which wasn’t a surprise after being abandoned, then caught and taken for castration! I managed however to pick him up and he became rather a cuddle boy. He is a beautiful little tabby male of about 18 months, and I am sure we will easily find him a home.
Below is a beautiful photo taken by Martina, one of our great girls in Germany. This is near where she lives and such weather may be rather a shock for our Spanish cats who are due to travel in the next few days!

Rheingau In Winter
I am still waiting on confirmation that we have 4 boxes on the transport tomorrow as we have Marty, Trixie, Cosmo, Lucia and big Chivers waiting to go to adoptants and foster homes in Germany, which would just leave me with one foster cat, Tigre! Here’s hoping we get them all on their way. Cosmo and Lucia in particular remain very nervous and need more individual attention which they will get in the very experienced foster homes they are heading to.
Good news on the fund-raising front is that last Saturday’s book sale and Poker Run together raised 375€ which was much needed and puts Almerimar Strays back in the black.
We have one more hungry little cat in Darsena one that we aim to rescue this week, one more Nautico kitten that needs sterilising, and one little dog whom we plan to take up to the dog rescue on Wednesday. We then plan to worm the remaining port cats, before moving our sterilisation program further out.
Great news from Germany this week is that Harvey and Greta have settled really well into their new home, and Greta who was quite nervous at first, has decided that she really loves her new Mum which is brilliant. She is less sure about Dad so far, but Harvey thinks he is great and they are playing a new stimulating clicker game, as Harvey loves to play.
Also look out for new photos of Belle and Twiggs over the weekend looking very relaxed in their new home.
This actually only leaves Emily in Germany waiting for an adoptant, and we are still hopeful that her foster Mum may yet decide to adopt her.