For those not aware what TRACES is DEFRA provide this description:
TRACES is a web-based service for the application for, and issuing of, Intra Trade Animal Health Certificates (ITAHCs) and Common Veterinary Entry Documents (CVEDs) for intra-Community trade in live animals, their products and germplasm. TRACES is the system used for notifying Member States of movements of live animals, germplasm and certain other commodities into or through their territories.
TRACES helps competent authorities in each Member State to meet the needs of their traders and their European Union (EU) animal and public health obligations.
Keeping it simple: TRACES isn’t something that an individual can register for, so as a rule a pet transport provider like ALStrays Transport can’t generally provide a TRACES transport services. A TRACES transport needs to be provided by a registered competent authority, who are registered for TRACES, and the animals need to be registered to that competent authority. Our local protectora, for example, is a registered competent authority.
In a nutshell the requirements for a TRACES transport are:
- All the pet passports are registered to the competent authority
- Five days before the transport the passports and specific destination details have to be sent to the Approved Health Office
- Twenty Four hours before the transport the Approved Health Office vet has to inspect the animal and pass it fit for travel
- Transported in an approved vehicle
- Transported by a certified and trained individual.
This information is then sent to the Approved Health Office for each destination region, in order that they can, if they wish, arrange to visit the animal in it’s new location. As such the animal has to remain at the destination for a minimum of 24 hours.
But the point is that because of our work with the local protectora our vehicles have been approved and we have been confirmed as certified and trained so we will be providing TRACES transport on their behalf, which means that when we have excess space on these transports we will be able to offer it out to other TRACES registered competent authorities.
You can get a lot more information and details on how to register for TRACES by clicking on this link.
ALStrays TRACES Transport: For those not aware what TRACES is DEFRA provide this description: TRACES is a…