Ok once again an update is long overdue, my only excuse being that I have been spending so much time getting cats and kittens to the vet and ready to go to Germany that this blog has had to take second place. However I do have lots of photos to post over the next few days and I will be starting with those of our latest rescues.
On November 7th, I met up with an English lady who had 3 abandoned, she thought, kittens in her garden, that she was extremely worried about as she was due to return to the UK in a few days. When she brought them to me they turned out to be a very young mother (10 months) and 2 beautiful kittens (tabby and siamese boys about 3 months). We have subsequently decided that the little siamese boy (Micki) was only her foster kid, as now they are safe, she shows little interest in him, but only wants to cuddle her own son Ricki. Mira herself is a darling cuddle cat who seems SO relieved to be safe and inside.
Meanwhile I have made 3 visits to the protectora over the past 2 weeks with about 15 cats for injections, chips etc, AND we have rescued 2 dogs, a lovely big friendly puppy (Spike) and Blackie the little dog from the square.
On Friday 6 more cats will travel to Germany, 4 of whom I believe already have new forever homes, and at the same time I will be taking Mira to vet Miguel for sterilisation as he is about to go on holiday for 2 weeks. All busy and in among all of this we have held our first Table Sale at Leos and raised another badly needed 150€.
News from Germany is mostly great. Little Pippa has a home with her new friend Leo as her foster family are keeping them both. Ginger Jasper has also found a home in the last week, and settled almost immediately, and I have heard in the past couple of days that Snoopy and Luke will definitely be staying in their foster home for good.Please click on the cat’s names in the Tag Cloud if you want to find out more about them.
We also have a lot of interest in our remaining foster cats. I am hoping for news soon about a lady who is possibly interested in Micki our new almost pure siamese kitten, and one of our remaining black siamese, ‘devil’ kittens Moushu! AND today Kerstin emailed me to say that she has people interested in Keba our nervous siamese female and her new love, big Beau, SO I must take photos urgently to send over.
My big task over the next couple of weeks is now to get as many great photos on the German website to help find homes for our cats, and also to make sure some of them are ready to go on the next transport we hope around the middle of December. The work goes on!!!
Phew 🙂