Alstrays Update: 30/09/10

This summer has been incredibly busy for me, working here and with the girls in Mojacar to help as many cats and kittens as possible.

Currently I have 25 cats in foster care in Almerimar, Berja, Mojacar and Sorbus that I am directly responsible for, and a further 8 in the cattery in Mojacar that are already reserved for Germany.

In addition there are 14 more kittens in foster care in Mojacar that have yet to be processed for re-homing, Poppy, Zita & Vivi, Lucia, Martha, and Melody in foster homes in Germany, Bella & Twiggs waiting on a new home also in Germany, AND 4 more litters of kittens waiting to be brought it. AND if that isn’t enough there is a colony of beautiful tame cats and kittens outside a restaurant in Mojacar who are high on my list, 3 other kittens that people have contacted me about in the past few days AND 3 big cats out on the streets of Mojacar!

It is all incredibly rewarding but VERY busy, and all of us, including the girls in Germany, are starting to go into overload. Martina was up until 1am loading photos on their homepage, as we desperately need to find homes for more kittens so that they can travel to Germany and free up space for those still outside.

Of course we cannot help them all but we are always trying to directly help as many as possible, and give advice or information about rescue centres to others. Last week I was contacted by a lovely lady in Bulgaria about blood tests for kittens.

We do have transport scheduled for the end of the month and a flight on 4/11, but we need foster homes and adoptants in Germany before we can send more cats over. I am hoping that the great new photos we have of our kittens will help. These were taken by Miriam who flew in from Germany last week with her mother, to meet us and take more of our cats back with them to Germany.

While they were here, these kind ladies rescued 2 dogs, tied to the side of the motorway, so in among all my cats, on the German organisation’s list of Spanish animals needing homes is Sunny (pictured), a beautiful German Shepherd puppy! Guadix, meanwhile already has his forever home with Anita.

The best news of the last couple of weeks was an adoptant being found for Finbar and Albi, our 2 FiV positive Tomcats. So far the news is good and the boys are slowly becoming friends. It was also great to get new photos of big Chivers and Freddy.

We are all really hoping that now the holiday season is over, we will find homes for many of our cats and kittens in the next 2 months.

Here in Almerimar our latest foster cats, are 5 beautiful siam-mix kittens from near Mojacar, and one poor little ginger girl from here in Almerimar, who at 5 months weighs a mere 950g, and has a very bad eye. Lilly is very special and I hope to report on good progress for her over the coming weeks.

I am now looking forward to a few quieter days, but am on standby to take 3 kittens to the transport if it goes tomorrow morning, and I will be back at the vet next week with Java and Aldo, 2 of our bigger boys. So it goes on!!!




Sunny with Guadix

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