Boat Cat Florence

29/11/10: For one month Florence WAS a boat cat, but since Saturday evening, she has been in her new forever home in Germany.

She loved her month with Jim and Lesley, jumping from boat to boat to visit friends and charging up the pontoon, and apart from slight concerns about her long-term safety they enjoyed having her.

Florence is one very sweet, but also one VERY determined, confident little lady. Within hours of arriving in her new home, she was completely relaxed as you can see from these new photos. She slept the first night on her new parents’ bed, played and cuddled, ate a lot, and cleaned. Her new family love her and say it feels as if she has lived with them for years.

Florence is already very ‘at-home’. Another happy ending.

Florence In Her Forever Home

Florence In Her Forever Home

Florence In Her Forever Home

Florence In Her Forever Home

30/10/10: Florence is a gorgeous, very feminine little kitten, born around the beginning of June. For now, as she seems to want to be an only cat, she is living on a boat! Later I may try to find a little boyfriend for her.

Florence was found near Albox, by an English lady, who kept her in her home for about 6 weeks until we had room for her here. The problem was that her own adult female cat hated Florence being there, and, as we discovered later, has bitten her twice. This I think is the reason why she has been so afraid of the other kittens at foster Mum Erika’s home.

For now she is very happy being totally spoilt, basking in the sun on deck, and I understand sleeping under the duvet. This kitten is definitely a little lady, and will get very quickly used to the finer things in life. I hope to find her her luxury forever home soon!

Little Lady Florence

Little Lady Florence

Little Lady Florence

Little Lady Florence

Little Lady Florence

Little Lady Florence

Little Lady Florence

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