Bono (Jonathan) At Home

Cute Little Chap

Here are some great photos of little Bono (now re-named Jonathan), happy in his new home in Switzerland with girlfriend Desdemona. This is one lucky (and cute) little chap. As Pam says, he has really “fallen on his feet”; he has a completely besotted and extremely attentive new owner in Sabine, and a gorgeous female cat to be his best buddy.

Playing With Desdemona

Playing With Desdemona

Playing With Desdemona

Playing With Desdemona

All looks great doesn’t it? and from the last 2 emails we have had from Sabine, we know that there is absolutely nothing to worry about, re. the future of this special little cat.

Desdemona better gets on with Jonathan. They sniff at each other and sometimes she MUST have the same meal as him…..and sometimes she likes eating next to him…Jonathan`s eye is still not o.k.. Now a week has gone and the injection will still work for the next 5 – 7 days.
I hope it will be better then. If it is not, I have to go to the hospital again and maybe we can also have a look at his mouth. I will take more time and the doc must only know it for his timetable.
Have you seen the pictures? Both are sooooo beautiful!!!
Jonathan LOVES eating… the morning and in the evening the serving needs ca.120g. If it is not…..he is VERY hungry at 12.00 :-))
He eats chicken, calf,duck,salmon,tuna,liver,beef,turkey hen……and so on…..”

“Desdemona and Jonathan have buried the hatchet for about 23 of 24 hours of the day….:-)
They started playing together with one toy. Only in the later evening Jonathan gets his funny five minutes and nobody can stop him….So it is sometimes necessary to put him for a short time in a room for calming down 🙂

I bought a little toy with a ball in a round plastic tunnel…fantastic!! …and a small sisalboard to screw it to the tree. Now they like walking very slowly up to the top and my sofa has a chance.

The pheromone- idea of my vet-friend is a great help ( if it is the base for the change ).

Jonathan’s eye looks a little better. He is now very gentle, while I am putting the salve in his eye.
He likes eating and i started to pestle a little dry food and disperse it on the wet food. He loves his malt paste and the vitamin paste and he eats the very small leavings of Desdemonas treats.
Both sleep together in my bed the whole night and they tolerate each other at a distance of 30 cm.
It is a very pleasant improvement.

I clean his coat with chamomille tea and brush him. He has a nice coat!”

Nicely spoilt or what? AND you can see from the picture below what a contented little chap he is.


He even has a specially designed feeding table to help him manage his food better, as his mouth is still not working perfectly. Here’s hoping for more improvement, but if not, then life is still sweet!

Very Well Looked After

Very Well Looked After

If you have missed my previous posts and want to know more of Bono’s story, from when we rescued him, (unable to eat because his mouth would barely open) then please click on ‘Bono’ in the tag cloud.

Jonathan (his new name) has landed in a fantastic new home in Switzerland with a very loving family. I’d like to thank all of us who helped to save him, particularly Pam who fostered him for over 2 months here, and Martina in Germany who found Sabine, his new Mum.

Good life Bono, because for us you will always be Bono … our little Rock Star!

3 thoughts on “Bono (Jonathan) At Home

  1. Chris

    Brilliant, just brilliant!!! You guys must feel so good, and Sabina seems to adore him.

    Hope to hear a LOT more about the little chap in the future.

  2. Pam Roberts

    From being a desperate little kitten picked up at the rocks to a young cat who literally has everything – loving, caring home and a beautiful cat to play with why do I get so emotional everytime I see pictures of him!!!! How we loved him.

  3. Pingback: Strays Update 16/06/09 | AlmerimarLife Strays

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