Our friends at TWS (Todd’s Welfare Society) in Pakistan recently rescued a street dog suffering from an infestation of maggots, the like of which they had never seen before. The images are at the bottom of this post and they are graphic to say the least, but try and look at them and imagine the pain the poor dog must have been in.
They will be sharing this post on their Twitter Account https://twitter.com/tws_pk2 so please take a look and help if you can.
In Their Words
Working with street animals for so many years you think that there is nothing that can surprise you anymore, when along comes a rescue that not only shocks you but makes you stop and think how on earth did this miserable creature manage to survive on the streets for so long. Yesterday a dog that has been named Tiberius came to us and to say he was suffering would be an understatement. His face was half eaten by maggots, so much so that he had lost one eye to the infestation. The medical team worked through the night to remove all the maggots and to salvage the remaining eye. As was expected he was not only in tremendous pain but was aggressive towards humans and who could blame him when you think of how much he must have suffered on the streets. All maggots were removed and he was given all necessary pain medication, pleased to say that once more settled he ate and drank, probably for the first time in his life that he did not have to scavenge for food.
His healing journey will be long and even now there is no surety that he will make it so severe is his condition but we promise you that we will try everything in our power to help this poor boy. We will make sure that his time with us be it long or short, he will know no more pain or misery. We will give him so much love that it will make up for all those unloved and unwanted years on the cruel streets of Pakistan.
Graphic Photographs

About TWS
TWS works in various ways to promote animal welfare in Pakistan. Street animals and their welfare lies at the core of our work. We help rescue, treat and rehabilitate the most injured, sick or abused in our society by providing them with necessary care in order to alleviate their pain and suffering.
We raise much needed awareness and education amongst the general public to help eliminate animal abuse and animal cruelty from Pakistan. We provide permanent shelter and homes to those deemed too vulnerable to survive on the streets. We work closely with the community to trap, neuter and release street animals. Our aim is to not only reduce the stray population humanely but to also end the never ending cycle of pain and suffering endured by these street animals.