Brown D-Bar Dog

Here is a great good news story about a dog for a change, just to prove that Almerimar Strays cares about dogs as well as cats! If anyone else wants to post anything about dogs, please send articles to me. I will be happy to publish them. AND a big thank you to Pam for helping to keep this one alive and to anyone else who gave it food whilst it was out in the street.

This is a Happy Ending success story about the brown dog which was abandoned from the building site at the bottom of Calle Foque and then started to hang around the D Bar. I have fed it over the last few weeks and left out a bowl of water on the grass below the D Bar. It knew my car and would run out and sit in the road in front of me – bit scary on occasions. I asked Tor and Kirsten if they would take it up to the Dog Sanctuary and they agreed – but it disappeared. I have looked all over the place for it as it was such a friendly dog and hoped that the dreaded Dog Catchers hadn’t been called in.

I found out this morning that it has been adopted by a kind couple who live in Laradera del Golf and its future looks very rosy.

If only more people in Almerimar would have a spare tin of food and dried biscuits and water in their boot it would mean that a dog could be kept alive until someone took pity on it and adopted it.I couldn’t have taken it in as I have 3 cats and a street dog and haven’t room for another – having said that I am fostering a very poorly pussycat for the next week, trying to fatten it up (which shouldn’t be a problem in my household as my cats and the dog are all overweight!!!!) If we can nurse it back to good health it stands a good chance of going to Germany to be re-homed.

This is the second success story re dogs I have heard this week so many many thanks to the kind people who take these animals into their homes.

3 thoughts on “Brown D-Bar Dog

  1. Pam Roberts

    The first good news story happened last week early in the morning when I was feeding the cats on the rocks, a German gentleman came over to talk to me and said that he and his wife had adopted a little dog which they found on the beach a short time ago, their existing dog is 13 and has taken to the new one and they are inseparable and they actually look alike – small with curly hair.

  2. Chris

    Met Noel & Eileen the other day with the D-Bar dog, seems like he adopted them!!!!! They all looked very happy together.

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