Bruno – A Character Cat

27/04/14: Bruno has arrived in his first foster home in Germany. He is completely relaxed, and is finally resting after a VERy good look around. This is a VERY cool, friendly, confident cat! Thankyou to Lita and Pepe for their love and care and to his new foster Mum Susanne.
15/04/14: Bruno has actually been out of Pechina for about 2 weeks now, enjoying life in the lovely cat friendly home of foster parents Lita and Pepe. He has even been allowed to sleep on the bed. I met him at my vet last night for his final vaccinations, and Bruno is very well and ready to travel off to his new foster home in Germany in about 10 days time. There he will meet Yoda, featured earlier on this blog. Yoda is another lovely boy from Pechina but I think he left before Bruno arrived so they will meet for the first time in Germany. Bruno has been enjoying playing with Pepe and Lita’s cats so should be a good new friend for the very sociable Yoda!
25/03/14: This handsome boy is also fairly new to SOS Pechina. I saw him for the first time about 10 days ago and completely fell for his charms. He is DESPERATE for human attention, and jumps on our knees as soon as we sit down. I feel so so sorry for him that he has been left at the cattery, and will try really hard to get him out quickly before he becomes too depressed. I think he is such a character with his bent ear!

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