Carla is the little dog that we rescued with her new-born puppies at the end of March.
It is clear from these latest photos of this little family, taken by their foster mum in Germany, that all is VERY well.
The puppies are well and strong. Martina describes them as like ‘minature dogs’ now! Carla herself remains ‘grumpy’, but she has had a tough life and needs more time to really trust people. She has however been a brilliant mother, and seems healthy and well herself, which is enough for now. I am so pleased that Carla and her puppies were able to go to Cornelia, who is a friend of my contacts in Germany. This means that I will continue to get regular updates and photos via Martina, and we can all see their progress.

Carla & Family

Carla & Family

Carla & Family

Carla & Family

Carla & Family
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