Carly At Jenny’s
Carly was another abandoned or lost animal that turned up in Jenny’s garden. She wasn’t a bitch like Tinkerbell, but she also had plans to be an indoor cat, AND the other strays didn’t appear to like her, maybe because she was a bit ‘different’ being a rather pedigree, Persian cat.
Her story had a rather quicker happy ending due to a conversation I had had with Claire Dixon. She told me that her little boy Max had been wanting a cat for ages, but that she was allergic to all cats, apart from, for some reason, Persians. This provided the perfect match and when Max and Claire went to meet Carly, it was love at first sight.
Thanks to Jenny and to Richard, Claire and Max for giving Carly her new home. The pictures below are new ones that Richard has just sent through, and Carly is looking brilliant now that her fur has all grown back, after what had looked like a rather strange cropping.
Carly At Home
Carly At Home
That is one very fluffy, happy looking cat!!!
Hi Sandy & Chris,
I Would like to add a few word a big thank you to Sandy & Jenny helping out with costs as we have two dogs and vet cost’s are not cheap. Thank you Both
We Had a cat for over 14 years that was identical to Carly he was called Charlie, we never intended to have anymore animals but after meeting carly that was it.
She now rules the house after a gentle introduction to our two friendly bischon frise (OSCAR & DAISY) Carly wanders around without a care in the world, sitting by the dogs all time.
As I was carving Chicken on Sunday I looked down there was all three of them looking up at me side by side.
If your reading this and you have no animals I would highly recommend the adoption or fostering option.
Thanks again. Keep up the good work.
Richard,Claire,& Max
Cats so that ….. they adopt you!!!! Good to hear that she has settled in so well. I know Max is totally in love with her 🙂
It was super to see the latest photos of Carly – she sure looks beautiful now! And it is very obvious to see what a wise cat
she is to have adopted such good owners!!
I am delighted to see Carly looking so much fluffier! I had thought that the guy from the specsaver ad had got to her (the one who shears his dog instead of the sheep and badly at that!)
So that is a Persian Cat? I want to have one! Looks cute and fluffy. But I guess this kind of cat needs frequent grooming because of its fur.