Researchers use wearable sensors to better communicate with dogs
For those that like technology and love their dogs some research recently concluded by the North Carolina State University may be of interest, especially if your dog is less than …
Articles written for local newspapers about the work of AlStrays
For those that like technology and love their dogs some research recently concluded by the North Carolina State University may be of interest, especially if your dog is less than …
Does anyone take this type of research seriously? Choice of pet can reveal your personality (with owners of Yorkshire Terriers being the happiest) from the Mail Online? The happiest dog …
If you love dogs but it’s just not possible to be a fulltime pet-owner, then a doggy website lets you hook up with owners who need some help with walkies. …
Noticed how more and more of the UK printed media (i.e. papers) are publishing articles on cats and dogs these days? Today it was the turn of The Times and …
More than a little surprised by the recent article in the Daily Mail reporting that according to a survey of 23,000 dog owners, a quarter admit treating their dog like …
Hands up who empathises with this article on the Mail Online which says that one in two pet owners say they regularly lose up to 90 minutes’ sleep because of …
Having posted recently that cats ‘are stressed because we treat them like dogs’, it seemed a good idea to share the Shortcuts Blog article: Are you stressing out your cat? …
With Facebook awash with demands for sever penalties for the idiot who set fire to the Manchester Dogs Home, The Times ran a story recently highlighting just how far we …
Interesting article in The Telegraph claiming that cats suffer from stress because owners expect them to behave like dogs. People expect cats to be thoroughly domesticated, to enjoy being petted …
A recent study found that pet owners tended to be less lonely, less fearful, more extrovert and less preoccupied than non owners. SO god knows how mad most of us …