Cats burned alive, dogs attacked with machetes – and (believe it or not) even WORSE ABUSE in Mexico!

The Los Cabos region of Mexico has the fastest-growing population in the country, but it has no municipal shelters or animal control, resulting in thousands of forgotten street dogs and cats.

These poor animals are at the mercy of sick people who carry out horrific abuse – the shelter has dealt with cats burned alive… dogs attacked with machetes, buried alive, and forced into dogfighting… ‘sorcery’ with animal parts; animals being burned with hot water, and (stomach-churningly) even zoophilia (if you don’t know what that is, believe us, it’s horrible!).
One shelter is saving these horrifically abused animals.
But they desperately need our help!
Please donate now

During the past year, because of COVID, more and more people have been dumping their animals outside LCHS’ doors – at the moment, they get a dog a day. The shelter takes them in because if they do not, the poor creatures might wind up being tortured and killed, yet donations have plummeted by 75%. These good people are struggling to feed and find medicine to treat the sick and injured animals who arrive needing help every single day. 

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