Defenseless seals are showing up dead in Hawaii. At least one was murdered on purpose.

Someone in Hawaii Bludgeoned an Endangered Seal to Death, and May Have Just Killed Another. This One Was a Baby.

The body of Ho’omau Lehua, a beautiful Hawaiian baby monk seal, has been found dead on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. The sweet seal pup was only four months old when she died.

Authorities claim the cause of death is unclear, but seals live an average of thirty years in the wild. For an animal to die “naturally” at such a young age is incredibly rare.

To add to the suspicion surrounding her death, this incident comes just a few months after the killing of another Hawaiian monk seal in Oahu, which was proven to be intentional. That seal, Malama, was horrifically bludgeoned to death. If these deaths are at all related, we need to find out… fast.

Estimates suggest there are only 1,400 Hawaiian monk seals remaining in the wild, and they have been listed as an endangered species for over fifty years. NOAA must fully investigate Ho’omau Lehua’s death to ensure no more of these already-endangered seals are killed in the future. Sign the petition if you support a thorough investigation into this tragic wildlife death!

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