03/11/12: Deisy has had an interesting time since my last update. On the December transport she was joined in her forever home by little claudio from Almerimar, who her Mum Flora hoped would be a good friend for her. Deisy the bitch however didn’t like Claudio anyway near as much as Flora did and over some weeks made his life so tough that this handsome boy has now been moved to another foster home. In the meantime Leon, who like Deisy also came from SOS Pechina had joined the household as his first foster home Hadn’t worked out. Flora and Anke hoped that Leon may be a good influence and help Claudio to be less afraid of Deisy. This seemed to work for a while, but in the end it is Leon who has found his forever home with Deisy and Flora.
Deisy is seems adores Leon and the bitch is tamed! From the start Leon had no fear of her at all, and I do wonder if they actually remembered one another from Pechina, as they were both there for some months. MAYBE Leon was even Deisy’s boyfriend in Spain. Anyway life is good now for both cats and Deisy has found her perfect man! Thankyou to Flora for all her efforts restoring these 2 to full health, and for helping Claudio to become a more tame, friendly cat in the time he was with her, AND well done to clever Leon, who, whilst not being the biggest or maybe most high bred Tom-cat, is certainly one of the bravest. He SO deserves princess Deisy and his lovely home! Enjoy the fantastic latest photos!
04/09/12: The latest photos from Germany show a beautiful, relaxed Deisy. She has gained 50% of her original body weight in just over a month and her stomach is finally settled. Now her Mum Flora will foster Claudio from Almerimar to see if Deisy likes a boyfriend!
16/07/12 23:00: 16/07/12: 23:00: I now have the first photos of Deisy in her new home. She has been doing a lot of exploring!
16/07/12: Deisy is now in Germany with her lovely new Mum: “Daysi arrived in her new home and discovered the flat immediately. She was very sweet and loves to cuddle and she was very active. Yesterday Flora had to leave the flat for two houres so that Daysi had the possibility to take some sleep. Flora can not sit down without having Daysi on her knees. If Flora is eating Daysi is sitting on the table and purrs.” All is fine apart from Daysi still having Giardia, but she is getting treatment, and when this is cured, I think she will put on weight quickly. I am very happy that she now has a proper home and will get all the love and attention she needs.
12/07/12: Deisy is another Pechina cat, and I feel very sorry for her as I am sure she has had a terrible time there. Deisy was one of 4 cats actually on the SOS Pechina website, and her entry said that she wasn’t particularly good with other cats. She has been with me for about a week now and I now understand her and have grown very fond of her. She is desperate for human attention, but prefers most other cats to keep their distance.
She has even gone as far as to have bitten poor Novak this week, after which I did put her in a cage alone. When I clean however, I let her roam with the others a little and have seen her nose tap Perry. It is possible therefore that one day she would accept the right cat friend. For now however she will have a lovely home as an only cat and her Mum is going to spoil this lovely lady completely. Deisy is very thin and not so healthy right now, and I know she is lonely, but I keep telling her that by Monday morning her life will have changed completely. I wish her well in her new life, and I am sure she will be very healthy and very loved soon.
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I know that Deisy will get a lovely home!