24/06/11: I have heard in the last few days that sadly Dempsey has lost his home after 6 months! This is nothing to do with Dempsey himself, but down to the personal circumstances of his owner. This is not as serious as it sounds, because Katzenherzen doesn’t just find homes for our cats and walk away, it is there to support the cats and their families whenever they need it. Dempsey will be found an even better home, helped by these fantastic new photos. We sent him to Germany with knots in his fur, and not looking his best after months on the street. I am sure by now he is back to his most beautiful best!!!

Dempsey At Home

Dempsey At Home

Dempsey At Home

Dempsey At Home
20/12/10: This rather grand cat came to my attention via PAWs a few weeks ago.
The English woman who has fed him for 9 months rang, very worried, to say she was just about to go back to the UK for an extended period, and could not find anyone to look after him while she was away. She first discovered him thin and very sorry for himself, and believes him to be an abandoned cat.
Within days of me sending these photos to Germany there was a lot of interest in this pedigree looking, handsome boy, and an adoptant has been confirmed for him as an only cat, with a lovely lady and her cat-friendly dog.
This is perfect for Dempsey as we had some slightly bad news today. He has been at the vet for the last few days for castration, vaccinations etc. and the news has just come through that he has tested positive for FiV. He will be our 6th FiV cat, and I am not overly surprised. Un-castrated males tend to fight and pass on this illness. Even the non aggressive ones are often bitten by more feral tomcats.
Dempsey seems a rather gentle soul, and didn’t even object when the vet cut off a lot of matted fur. It is however safer for him not to live with other cats in case he got angry and decided to bite. FiV is only transmitted via deep penetrating bites, but normally the German organisation would not chose to mix FiV and non-FiV cats.
His adoptant is not worried as he can still live a long and healthy life, and he is no risk to her dog. Dempsey is now about 5, so we wish him many happy years ahead. For now he will spend Xmas week in the PAWs cattery garden, before probably going back to a cattery for a couple more weeks, while he awaits his transport to a new life in Germany. I am pleased that Dempsey will soon be back in a proper home and enjoying the love and care that he was probably, until this year, accustomed to.
We all wish him well!
Amazing blue eyes against that dark fur… as majestic as any maine coon I would say.