Thought it was time to introduce Dude, our Harley Bear, who has been traveling with Sands and I since 2001 when we got him along with the 2001 Fat Boy, and has been part of the Pet Transport ‘team’ since we started.
The little chap has certainly got around in his time with us. On our Harley travels he has ridden in the UK, Belgium, Holland, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the USA (Florida and Minnesota), Australia (Sydney and Melbourne) and New Zealand (Christchurch) and he has all the pins and badges to prove it!
On the Pet Transport trips he has been to Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and the UK.

He sits up front on the dashboard so keep an eye out for him next time we pick up or drop off your pet.
He has had an interesting life. When we first got him we set up a web site to record his travels ( which is no more but I do have all the files still so maybe one day I will republish it. This was before blogs were invented so he was quite the innovator!
He picked up quite a fan base with people from various HOG Chapters wanting to have their photo with him, and a number of friends of Dude were given badges for the Harley attire that said Dudes Angels. All a bit of fun, until the guy that ran the local Harley Chapter got the hump and threw us out of the Chapter. I remember clearly one conversation with the idiot when I said “but we are talking about a stuffed bear causing you problems”. The basis of his problem was that as I had met the Dudes Angels through the Chapter I shouldn’t arrange anything just with them, but should invite the whole Chapter: even if we were going out for a pizza with a few friends according to him.
As I said an idiot, but one shouldn’t speak ill of the dead: literally in this case. His last act on this earth was to collapse with a heart attack walking a friends coffin into church. I am not kidding!
Dude: Thought it was time to introduce Dude, our Harley Bear, who has been traveling with Sands and I since 2001…
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Thought it was time to introduce Dude, our Harley Bear, who has been traveling with Sands and I since 2001 when…
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