18/11/12: Eliza is another cat that I took out of SOS Pechina. When I first saw her she was in a small cage with her tiny babies. I had found a foster place for all of them together, but 2 weeks later the kittens were eating by themselves and Corinne told me that someone else had taken them, so only Eliza came to me. Kittens are much easier to find homes for here, so I am focused on helping Pechina with the adult cats. This is working well as it is the adult cats that are finding homes easily in Germany. Eliza is no exception. Because she was no longer feeding her babies, I was able to prepare her quickly for travel, and she was on this month’s transport to Germany. She had a foster home with Persian Micky’s family, but she already has an adoptant as a spoilt only cat, and last night some lovely photos arrived from Kerstin. Eliza is just fine. She remains a small, delicate girl but she looks much more relaxed than in my first photos that I took just after she had arrived at her foster home here. I wish this gorgeous young lady with the beautiful eyes a very happy life.
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