04/12/11: Figaro traveled to Germany on the 02.12 transport, and the news yesterday was that his new Mum Johanna was VERY happy to have him. This is no surprise. Who wouldn’t be happy to have Figaro? This lovely boy spent his last night in Spain back in our TV room and was dispensing cuddles whenever Chris and I went to see him. He really is such a darling. I love all the cats that I am able to help, but having dealt with enough semi-finals, easy cats like Figaro are a joy. One thing he did not like was being in a box. I am sure he contributed to the noise in our Mori van, and Susanne who taxied him to Nurnberg said that he definitely lived up to his name! I wonder if he will keep this one!!!
14/11/11: Yesterday I had news of Figaro from Miguel Angel. He has now been in his home for a week: “Your cat is OK. He is very friendly. All the time he is next to me. And he sleeps every night on my pillow, next to my face. He is a very good cat.” Lovely boy!
09/11/11: Figaro does have his forever home in a beautiful big apartment. His new Mum is a lovely young woman whose family have traveled and rescued many animals in different countries. She is training as an army doctor and will have lots of time for Figaro. Later she may adopt a little friend for him. All sounds perfect!
08/11/11: Chris and I have just had the pleasure of having Figaro to stay in our 2nd bedroom for the last couple of days. He is a completely beautiful cat, in looks and nature. He came to me via the SanAnimal sanctuary near Lorca. Mandy contacted me because they had no room for this gorgeous boy, and he was at risk of ending up in the local animal pound. I hate to be selective, but knew that he would find a home immediately, because he was SO handsome. What I didn’t know until I met him is that he is even more beautiful in character. He LOVES a cuddle and even head butts your nose! Yesterday he padded and then fell asleep in my hair. I thought he was still snuggling until I heard this gentle snoring! Today I took him to a foster home with Miguel Angeles and Isabel and their brood of cats and dogs. I hope he will be happy there for the next 3 weeks until he travels to his new home on December 2nd. I was right. Pending a home check, Figaro does already have his adoptant!
I wish it was that easy to re-home all the cats, but I am very happy for Figaro.

Gorgeous Boy!
And a pleasure it was, what a beautiful friendly loving little chap he is, was great having him here and I look forward to taking him to Germany and his new home!!1
Oh what a gorgeous boy! My calico also does the the nose/head butt:) It was such a sweet surprise! She was home only a day when she did that along with some serious purring. I melted:)
Excellent, she is going to get one extremely lovely cat!
Am not at all surprised that Miguel has fallen in love with him!!!
Amazingly friendly and lovely cat. He was noisy but I took him out for a cuddle a couple of times and had to give him a big good bye kiss. Was a pleasure to spend some time with the fella and I am sure he will have a great life!