23/06/13: Gethan now has a new friend. His Mum has adopted a little poodle mix called Polly, and Gethan seems very impressed with her. He has been walking quite close, and Polly has no fear of him either, and the 2 have happily eaten on either side of the kitchen. . This seems to be the start of a nice friendship! I look forward to photos of Gethan with his new girlfriend.
01/06/13: Gethan has now been in his new home for about 2 weeks and having taken a little while to settle, he is now very happy. At first he was hiding but from the latest email from his Mum, it seems they are now good friends: “We’re fine, every day a little bit better. He eats now even if I’m in the kitchen, is sitting on stool or chair when I come into the room, letting me stroke him for a few days now, rubs around my legs, normally comes when I call him and even comes to meet me now, when I get home in the afternoon. Yesterday, a friend was here and he did not hide, but sat next to my chair and let himself be stroked. He seems to know me. Otherwise he is very good “educated”, uses exclusively the cat tree in order to sharpen his claws, never jumps on the table and is a treasure. I am very happy with him.”
30/04/13: Gethan is yet another beautiful cats that has spent too long in Pechina. I am happy to write that most of the long termers have now been re-homed, and my aim is to get the others out of the rescue in the next 2 months. Gethan is a lovely male of about 5 years, with beautiful yellow eyes, and he is being adopted by a kind lady in Germany as an only cat. She already has a friendly dog and will have lots of time to give Gethan the love and attention he has been missing. He should be out of Pechina this weekend, and off to his new life in the next 10 days.
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Gethan Has A Home | ALStrays http://t.co/iRy9aYg2rL