Ginger & Giorgio Cat Friends

13/06/11: Things haven’t started too smoothly in Ginger and Giorgio’s new home, we think because they have joined quite a large animal family. They are slowly making friends with the other cats in the family, and apart from ‘normal’ cat fights things now seem fine with playing and eating together. The family dogs they are still un-impressed by particularly if they come too close, but their parents are patient and I am sure will give them the time they need to settle.

The great thing for these 2 is that they have a garden, and seem much happier now they are allowed outside. Some nights they try to sleep outside but they come in when their Daddy calls. I have a feeling that in their Spanish home they were mostly outside, so having a home with a garden was very important for them. All seems fine and we are all happy that these 2 friends have found a home together.

21/05/11: Ginger and Giorgio were rescued by a lovely Spanish lady, Victoria, who contacted me via my friend Tracey.

They were 2 of her small but increasing cat tribe, and she asked me if I could find a home for them. Giorgio at nearly 2 is about 6 months older than Ginger but they are firm friends, so it took a little longer to find them a home together.

Yesterday evening they set off on the latest transport to Germany, to their new home which, important for these fairly outdoor cats, has a garden. I wish them well and look forward to new photos soon. In the meantime enjoy a selection of the ones Victoria sent me, which helped to find this handsome pair their new family.

The Best Of Friends

The Best Of Friends




Giorgio & Friend

Ginger Cuddles

Giorgio Cuddles

Playful Ginger

Curious Giorgio

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