05/11/12: Almost a year to the day of the last update, I have received some lovely new photos of Prue and her little friend Lola. Lola being younger seems the much more active of the 2 cats, and looks a little character. Prue makes me smile because ALWAYS in her photos she is resting! I think the PAWs girls who knew her well would say that ‘that IS Prue’. She IS I am sure happy, and I KNOW she is very loved.
Click on the photos to see them full size and have the option to download them.
Sounds great and a very happy ending for both cats. is actually a very special cat to me. Meeting Prue is what finally decided me that I wanted to work with the PAWs girls to find homes for some of their cats. I fell completely for her and was determined to find her a now home, and get her out of the cattery. Since then we have helped a lot more cats together, but Prue was one of the first that I met, and for me a big reason to develop the relationship.
Enjoy the new photos. Most are of little Lola, but I do love the one of the new ‘sporty’ Prue!!!

Little Lola
21/04/11: Prue has a little friend, but maybe ‘friend’ is not quite the right word. Prue has a housemate, who is in reality not quite welcome! But the latest is that things are getting slowly better.
When Prue’s family fell in love with her, they knew from the start that Prue wasn’t keen on other cats and would prefer to be a one and only. These kind people however decided that they wanted to open their home to another Spanish cat, and so adopted little Lola, who had had a very tough time and become quite ill after the transport.
They have now been together for about 2 months. Maybe they will never be the best of friends but Prue seems to have accepted Lola, who in turn is much less nervous, starting to explore more, growing fast, and moving well. This poor little scrap was twitching her head and really struggling for a long time, so I am very happy for her that she now has such a loving home.
As for Prue. She has no reason to feel overly put out, as it sounds like there is plenty of love to go around, lots of good food, a lovely big apartment, AND she will always be the boss as Lola is still only half her size!!
Who knows may she will eventually get to like or even love sweet little Lola.

Prue Today

Lola Now

Lola Now

Lola Now

Lola In Ferbuary

Contented Prue
25/10/11: I have just received a great new photo of a VERY contented and settled Prue. She is loving her new home. Enjoy it, along with all her other photos.
It is always great to hear how our cats are doing in their new homes in Germany, and I know the girls in Mojacar have been particularly waiting for news of Prue.
Prue was one of the first cats I helped to re-home from PAWs cats and she had been in the cattery for several months, so it was hard for the girls to part with her. Now I have new photos and I have translated the email from her Mum that came with them. There is absolutely nothing to worry about, as it sounds as if Prue is very happy and being thoroughly spoilt.
She is living as an only cat which is what she wanted, with a lovely couple in a great apartment with 2 big balconies to chose from, and she now LOVES to cuddle! Her Dad is a teacher, so she is only alone for a few hours every day, and she gets very high quality GRAU food which apparently she loves!!! All is perfect, which is fantastic, as from the moment I read about Prue losing her first home and ending up back in the cattery, I wanted to help her. Good for Prue that this is such a happy ending.
Enjoy the email and photos!!!!! Everything really is fine.
“Pru is fine with us! She has settled in great and is also much calmer than in the beginning. We are quite in love! In the evening she looks and snuggles into bed ready. But she is really totally greedy. She always stares at the Weekend Breakfast of my husband, until he gives her a piece of ham. We only know this of dogs, a cat, but the begging at the table of a cat we know not! And above all, who can the big green eyes resist? It is simply sweet!”

Lovely Prue

Prue in her Forever Home

Prue in her Forever Home

Prue in her Forever Home

Prue in her Forever Home
I did not know Prue but a lovly ending.They will both be happy.Well done.Paulinex