Harvey & Greta In Germany


Gorgeous Greta

Harvey & Greta were 2 of our rock cats that we rescued in May, and sent on their way to Germany as some of our June 6th Transport Cats

They are a lovely tame brother and sister, whom Pam, Jean and George had fed on the rocks from kittens. We think they are now about 16 months old and we are hoping that our friends in Germany will be able to find them a home together.

For now, as you can see from these photos, they are happy in their foster home, and now that kitten season and holidays are over, I am confident we will be getting some good news about a new home for them soon. When I asked Kerstin about them recently she said they were fine and were ‘cool cats’, so all sounds well.

You can see my earlier photos by clicking the links above. Enjoy!


Gorgeous Greta


Gorgeous Greta


Gorgeous Greta


Cool Harvey


Cool Harvey


Cool Harvey


With Greta

2 thoughts on “Harvey & Greta In Germany

  1. Pingback: Harvey & Greta – Settled At Last | AlmerimarLife Strays

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