01/02/11: Time for an update on these 2! They DID get adopted just before Xmas, as you can see from these great photos I received yesterday.
The little problem with Henna being a boy, became not a problem at all BECAUSE Jags turned out to be a girl!! This meant that their adoptants had one of each which is what they wanted all along. Fortunately everyone has been laughing about this, but we are also slightly embarassed!!! This cute pair are now called Baghira and
06/12/10:The latest news is that these 2 are happy and lively in a foster home in Germany. Their first adoption didn’t go through, as the home did not pass inspection, but now they have new interested people so we hope they will have their home soon.
One interesting minor problem, is that Henna is actually a boy with VERY small xxx, hence the initial confusion. We are all now hoping that their prospective adoptants won’t mind 2 little boys instead of a brother and sister duo!!!
26/11/10: Some kittens find homes really quickly. Henna and Jags are a VERY cute sister and brother, but even I didn’t expect them to be snapped up together within a week of their photos hitting the web sites in Germany.
These 2 sweeties along with 3 other kittens were left in a box by an English lady outside foster Dad Matt’s gate. Henna has beautiful yellow eyes, and Jags is quite unusual in that he has chocolate brown ears, and brown tones throughout his coat.
We know from the note left with them that these 2, along with their other friends, had been fed in the English woman’s garden so were used to human contact. All are very friendly, once they are used to a person, and I am sure we will find homes for Whiskey, Capsi and TJ soon too!
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Aw wow, they are so cute. Are they actually identical in real life too? I live kittens, specially black ones.
Many years ago a delight for one small son was a pure white cat with lovely blue eyes – he called it Sketti because he could not pronounce spaghetti.And to balance it up his sister subsequently became the proud owner of a pure black cat just like your pair only hers was called Bimbo.
Time moved on and both are now gone but I can still recall one very upset son when his favorite friend had to leave this world. He still has a small brass plaque to remember Sketti
Loving and taking care of any animal certainly makes you a better person