Horse drawn carriages in cities are abusive!

On a recent trip through the American South, a Care2 Team member witnessed unbelievable cruelty to horses in the cities of Savannah and New Orleans. Horses were forced to pull up to 8 grown adults in the scorching southern heat. One of them could barely move, and its tongue was sticking out and flailing about — a behavioral sign of distress. Many cities around the world have banned horse drawn carriages due to animal abuse and horse casualties in the industry, it’s time for Savannah and New Orleans to follow suit.

Sign the petition and demand that these cities ban horse carriage rides, and have mercy on these poor animals!

We know for a fact that these rides are not only painful for the horses because of weight load, high temperatures, or the unnatural hard concrete beneath their hooves, but also because of where they are forced to perform this work. Horses are evolved to live in wide open, empty spaces. They are prey animals, meaning loud noises or quick movements literally make them feel like they are in a deadly situation. Horse drawn carriages in cities like Savannah and New Orleans are like torture for them. Sign the petition to ban horse drawn carriages!

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