Horse racing killed 7 horses at the Melbourne Cup

For over 150 years, the Melbourne Cup has been Australia’s most famous Thoroughbred horse race. But a growing number of Australians are realizing: animals don’t exist simply to entertain us, and also, horse racing is a cruel and inhumane “sport.” With more and more residents calling attention to animal welfare concerns, as well as social pains associated with massive track-based gambling, it’s time for the Australian government to listen up. Authorities must put an end to the Melbourne Cup and all horse racing once and for all!

In the past six years, seven horses have died horrifically at the big race, yet sport officials responded by only instituting a handful of half-hearted, completely insufficient new regulations. But there is no way to safely whip horses and force them to run as fast as they can against their will. The exploitation and abuse extends to the Cup’s status as an event where people lose or gain huge amounts of money. This is harmful for both animals and humans: studies show that Australians lose more money on gambling than any other nation — double that of Americans per capita. The answer is clear: Australia must dissolve the “sport” of horse racing entirely, for the sake of horses and people alike. Sign the petition if you agree!

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