How Can We Help You?

Having 100% stopped ALL pet transports (age and the number of miles have taken their toll and my body – and specialist – have told me that enough is enough) our focus in life now is very much educational: trying to pass on our experiences and knowledge to those that are interested.

With respect to this site that means writing and sharing our own re-homing and transport experiences which will hopefully help those either involved in, or planning on getting involved in, these aspects of Animal Welfare. We will also be using the site to draw attention to various animal welfare issues we care about, and to share some tips regarding pet ownership – or in our case more accurate to say being owned by pets!

Sands is in the process of stopping her involvement in the re-homing project in Spain and will document the whole process and prepare for the next generation to pick up the lead. She has got involved with helping a charity do their re-homing in the UK, so remains heavily involved in helping cats.

An area that we have developed post Brexit is to become the administrative partner for EU based pet transporters coming into the UK. We have a Eurotunnel Trade Account and an Irish Ferries Freight Account, through our business Marshall Innovations and our Type 2 License is also held by the company so we can sort out your UK DEFRA Vehicle Certification and facilitate your bookings.

An area we would like to get more involved in is as Trustee or Advisors to animal welfare charities so please get in touch, or pass on our details.

And finally, we will always try and help with advice or increasing awareness of what you are doing so please don’t hesitate to get it touch.

4 thoughts on “How Can We Help You?

  1. Pingback: Commercial Pet Transport From Spain With Irish Ferries – ALStrays Animal Welfare & Pet Ownership

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  3. Elizabeth,s

    Are you still open
    I would like to see photos of dogs we live in almerimar and lost a dog last week. Our other dog is lonely. What dogs are available

  4. ALS Admin Post author

    Sorry we are now back in Spain but if you go to the Charity Shop and/or ask for Jennifer Rodgers she will be able to help you. I will pass on your details.

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