How well do you know cats? Did you know:
- Cat’s have five claws on the front paw and four on the back paw apart from if they are a polydactyl, which means they have extra toes. Boston, USA has the highest rate of polydactyl cats, known as Boston Thumb Cats
- The Egyptians used cats to protect crops from rats and vermin
- The Egyptians often worshipped cats to such an exten they mummified them when dead.
- Cats can’t taste sweet things, as their taste buds can’t detect sugar
- Cat litter is made from clay as it is more absorbant but before 1948 was made from sand
- Isaac Newton invented the cat flap door
- Cats can see at one-sixth the light level required by humans
- Your cat purrs at the same frequency as an idling diesel engine which is about 26 purrs per second
- Cats ears can hear ultrasonic sounds
- Cats use their whiskers to gauge whether or not they can fit through an opening
- Cats purr continuosly by flowing air past the voice box during inhalation and exhalation
- Without Taurine cats go blind BUT it is in all cat food!
- Cats can run at 30mph
Original Source – The Oat Meal