IFAW: 2 days left to help save Rhodesian giraffes from extinction

With much of the world on lockdown during the COVID-19 crisis, poachers have taken the opportunity to run rampant. But thanks to your support, our rangers have been able to continue their heroic, lifesaving work on the frontlines to protect giraffes and many other animals in need.

The Rhodesian giraffes are just one poaching spree away from extinction and Luambe National Park is one of the last places on earth where this animal still roams free.  

It’s a perilously thin margin of safety, especially in these times.  

But today, you could give these giraffes and other vulnerable animals the opportunity to thrive with the protection of IFAW-supported rangers.  

Right now, giraffes don’t get the same protections as elephants or rhinos. Their parts aren’t subject to as many regulations in many parts of the world. Sometimes, items are even sold legally from a poached animal. This makes them even more vulnerable to poachers who would stand to profit from selling a giraffe’s parts.  

Helping us reach our £60,000 goal is one critical way to make a lifesaving difference for the last giraffes of Luambe National Park and other endangered animals around the world. Stand with us — together we can protect these defenseless animals. Please make your gift to help save giraffes and animals everywhere who need you right now.

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