IT’S WRONG! Top UK vet body supports CRUEL AND POINTLESS badger slaughter!

We have told you before about the horrific cruelty involved in the slaughter of more than 160,000 badgers in England in a futile bid to control the spread of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle.

In the face of overwhelming scientific evidence that badger culling has not and never will have any significant impact on the transmission of the disease to cattle, the UK government said it would phase out the killing. Instead, it broke that promise and announced that up to 76,000 more badgers will be slaughtered this year alone! 

Friend, we really need your help to STOP THIS KILLING!

The cull, which has already killed over ONE-THIRD of England’s badger population and cost $96 million (£70 million) does no good and is inherently cruel, yet the British government and British Veterinary Association (BVA) continue to support it!

The BVA represents 18,000 of the UK’s 28,900 veterinarians, each of whom takes an oath, which includes the statement: “…above all, my constant endeavour will be to ensure the health and welfare of animals committed to my care.” How can this cruelty be in the interest of these animals’ health and welfare? The simple answer is that it cannot. These creatures are being betrayed by the people whose duty it is to protect them!

Badgers have the highest protection status of any animal in the UK. It is ILLEGAL to willfully kill, injure or remove a badger (or even attempt to do so!) in England. Friend, these animals and their homes have been protected by law since 1973, yet the same government that gave them this protection now flouts its wildlife laws and for no other reason than what many people say is to pander to the ill-informed views of a powerful lobbying group of commercial farmers! 

Defra, the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, claims that its bTB policy of killing badgers is science-led but independent scientific experts agree that culling badgers is ineffective. The government continues to ignore this evidence and is continuing with an impractical and ineffective policy – signing death sentences for an additional 76,000 badgers in 2021 alone. 

Friend, even though cows are twice as likely to contract bTB from other cattle than from badgers, these shy creatures who are an icon of the English countryside continue to be blamed and executed. Please donate today so that our work to save these creatures from senseless and painful extermination can continue. 

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