Amazingly Bruno and Jack have been in their new home for a year now, and these are the first photos I have received of them from Germany. They are however well worth the wait!
These 2 brothers were the last of the Almerimar 5 to travel to Germany. They were rescued from the rocks here in January 2009. For more on their brothers Felix and Jasper, and sister Bonnie, please search on their names, or click here for our last photos of Jack & Bruno before they left Almerimar.
The boys are now about 18 months old and I am so glad we managed to find them a home together, as they are obviously still very close. They now also have a rather gorgeous little friend for company. I wonder if she is a little girl!
AND finally, a big thank you again to Jenny, Tracey, Kev and Jack for all their love and care while these boys were with us. I’m sure they will all be very pleased to finally see new pictures of these 2.

Jack & Bruno

Jack & Bruno

Jack & Bruno

Jack, Bruno & Little Friend

Jack, Bruno & Little Friend

Jack, Bruno & Little Friend
These photos are absolutely great! We do so much appreciate knowing a little about the kittens that have been in our care, and have ‘landed’ such perfect forever homes in Germany! To see them so obviously happy and contented is a huge bonus that makes every step of their rescue so worthwhile.