Just a quick update on our Almerimar kittens. Our 4 little rescue kittens (photos to follow tomorrow) are doing brilliantly and today have been wormed, which they DID NOT like. Even the smallest, who weighed only 600g a couple of weeks ago, has reached 1kg which is great news.
Meanwhile it seems definite that Mimi has only got one kitten. Whilst it is sad that the likely others have not survived, it is also a relief that we only have one to help, and he IS gorgeous! This afternoon I actually got him to come within a foot of me by splashing the water in the bowl and arousing his curiosity. I hope to catch him and put him in a foster home soon, ideally next week. Please contact us if you can help.
Where we do now know we have more kittens is in Darsena 2. The very feral siamese-cross female has brought out 3 (2 black and 1 tabby), to show Pam, who feeds her daily, despite being regularly hissed at. These 3 will be interesting to catch not least, because Mummy cat will probably attack us! One to wait for the arrival FINALLY of our re-ordered feral catch trap, the first order of which appears to have been lost in transit!!!
Happy catching 🙂
Wow…either Laura or Archimedes is a beautiful cat. It appears you are definitely a cat lover.