22/01/09: I’ve just spoken to Tracy and she has now let the latest Almerimar 5 have the run of her basement. Little Jasper has adjusted brilliantly and is rushing around happily on his caste, so I’m really pleased that we put it on to stop him limping. Felix the smallest is still sneezing, but he is eating well, and they are all still on antibiotics. All the others are doing really well. Looking out of the window as I write this, I am again SO pleased that I picked them all up when i did and got them out of this tough weather.
Meanwhile we are still struggling with little Bono and his locked mouth. The Cortisone did seem to bring some improvement initially, but I haven’t really seen a change in the last 2 days. I’m still hopeful and we will continue to take the advice of our vet Begona, who hasn’t let us down yet. He is a lovely little fellow and certainly deserves his chance.
20/01/09: It has been a busy week so far. I am just back from the vet again with Bono. He has been on Cortisone for 5 days now and we are convinced it is helping his poor locked mouth. It is opening a lot more at the sides making him easier to feed, and this is giving us hope for a full recovery. We discussed X-rays and blood tests with Begona but she is still advising us to keep going with the treatment. Blood tests only confirm or rule out specific conditions, and we don’t really know what this could be.
Begona believes it is an inflammation of the muscles or nerves in his jaw, cause unknown. The good news is that we still have time. Bono has increased his weight during our feeding programme from 1.4 kg to 1.7 kg, so although constantly hungry he is doing ok and feels strong. The other good news is that Begona managed to cut his nails so less injuries for us while he clings to the syringes!
OK now to the litter of 5 that I rescued in the last week. We have one little girl (Bonny) and 2 little boys (Felix and Jasper) all of whom had anti-inflammatory injections last night at the vet for bad chests. Poor little Jasper also had to have a caste put on his broken leg, but Tracy tells me he is doing well, getting used to it, moving around and at least now is using that leg again.
The 2 bigger, stronger brothers, Bruno and Jack, are just sneezing so missed the trip to the vet. All 5 however are being given antibiotics for their colds, the result of 2 weeks out in the cold and wet, since they were abandoned.
Thank you to Tracy for taking them in for now and looking after them so well, and to Kev and Jack for the extra play and love they are getting. All are doing fine, playing and eating well, and I will be starting to get them ready to go to Germany next week.
I already have foster homes sorted for them for the end of February. I am just waiting for details of the next transport. Little Bono may go later as he needs to get over his current problems before we start his vaccinations, but overall kitten rescue has made a good start to the year, and they are all gorgeous!
Excellent news for them all, especially the gang of 5!!!
As far as Bono goes …… PATIENCE!!!
Have you ever thought of doing a crash course as a vet?? It could be very useful…. Glad to hear all appear to be doing well and that Bono has had a manicure. My wrist can start to recover now.
Actually Chris said maybe I could train as a vet’s assistant! I DID offer my services un-trained to Begona to try and get prices down but she just laughed!!!
Perhaps you could ask your niece to ask her lecturers if they have come across any similar locked jaw syndromes which don’t appear to be tetanus related?