Update 11/04/09: 1600
No sign of the remaining kitten this morning. George will look again later and Nicola and i will be back in the morning. Worrying as we know it is there poor little thing.
Update: 18:00
Just back from rescuing a 3rd kitten … the little white boy. We saw the 4th one but didn’t manage to catch it and it disappeared under the rocks. We will try again tomorrow.
Nicola and I have had fun on the rocks this morning catching the first 2 of 4 abandoned kittens. Pam spotted them this morning and thought they looked too tiny to be viable without their mother, but I can now confirm on much closer inspection that they are 4-5 weeks old.
They were obviously scared and not the easiest to catch. We had to scramble over the rocks and I caught the second one by its tail as it tried to crawl out of sight! However once caught they were happy to be cuddled and appear completely tame! So far we have 1 black and one multi-coloured one. We are going back this afternoon to try and catch the remaining black and one white one. All seem sweet and have quite long hair, so should be pretty when they are a bit bigger and fatter. Nicola has also reported that they have eaten a whole tin of pate between them so no problem with feeding them.
Our problem now is money as we will need another 300€ in the short term to get them ready to go to Germany for re-homing. I’m therefore looking for a short-term sponsor, who can fund their vet bills until I get money back for them from Germany, which will happen when they are re-homed.
Almerimar Strays’s funds were looking good and I even have provision and sponsorship for the kittens we are expecting from our semi-feral females. These 4 however have come completely unexpectedly, so any help would be appreciated.
Tweet for funds 🙂
You do need a more sustainable process though for this!!!
If nothing else people need to help with the cash flow when they identify more kittens requiring help!
How do I send some?
You can use the PayPal button in the sidebar 🙂