Koalas are an international icon… but they are in crisis.
Land clearing and habitat loss are forcing koalas into urban areas where they are exposed to dog attacks, vehicle strikes, stress and disease. And with thousands of koalas lost in the Black Summer bushfires, particularly in New South Wales, they need our help now more than ever to survive into the future.
Last year we started a petition calling for NSW koalas to be provisionally uplisted from Vulnerable to Endangered on an emergency basis. The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) recently informed us that the Australian Government are conducting a review currently and they will wait for that outcome before moving forward.
While it is disappointing the emergency uplisting provisions haven’t been utilised, IFAW is pleased the same scientific evidence we provided has formed the basis for a joint federal nomination with Humane Society International (HSI) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Australia). The committee has provided advice to Australia’s federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley that koala populations in QLD, NSW and the ACT are eligible for uplisting from Vulnerable to Endangered. The decision is now in her hands. We urgently need your help to call on Environment Minister, Sussan Ley, to make the right decision when it comes to the survival of our precious koalas. Will you use your voice to ask the government to provide koalas with the lifeline they need and uplist their status to Endangered? |
The actions we take today could mean the difference between a world with koalas—or one without this iconic animal. Now is your chance to become part of the solution and help us create a world where koalas thrive. |