29/10/12: This evening has come the news I have been waiting for. Daniela has decided that she IS going to adopt Marli as well! “The wonderful little black cat has her forever home with a nice mum, a tomcat named Merlin as best buddy and Lila, and Daniela’s two older cat ladies as friends. I’m really happy for her!” I am very very happy for her. It is perfect and she even has a garden! This is one special little cat that I had the priviledge of looking after for a short time. She SO deserves her happy home. ,mor e
19/09/12: Today more sweet photos arrived of the girls enjoying their home in Germany. I am really hoping that Daniela does decide to adopt Marli too. She is looking so happy and settled, and it is lovely to see both of them outside enjoying the garden.
12/09/12: Lila is a beautiful, friendly, playful, siam-mix cat, from El Puche in Almeria. She was rescued by a kind Spanish lady, with her son Liro, who you will meet next. When I met her for a photo shoot, I thought she was a gorgeous lady in character and looks. Now after several months in a rescue home she has her forever home in Germany, with 3 new cat friends, a safe garden and a lovely new Mum Daniela, who kindly agreed to foster for us as well. Marli (also about 2 years old) was therefore on Saturday’s transport too, and both cats have settled in really well.
Lila was a little nervous at first, but Marli has been charming everyone, and is now referred to as the ‘little black sweetheart’! The first night with Daniela, Marli followed her everywhere like a little shadow waiting for her next cuddle. I am very happy for Marli, as I grew very fond of her when she spent her first few weeks here in Almerimar. She is a previously owned cat and it is obvious that she has been desperate for a proper home, and more attention, again. She will also love the garden as until the last few months she was a mainly outside cat. The latest news is that Daniela is thinking of adopting her too!
Enjoy the latest photos of both girls from Germany, and their earlier ones.
Click on the photos to see them full size and have the option to download them.