28/09/12: A lot has happened in the last 3 months. Peace was broken at Pam’s when Lisa decided she wanted all the attention to herself and started to try to attack Pam’s older female cats. She traveled urgently to a foster home in Germany in July where she finally seemed to settle down and made friends with the male cat there. Recently Lisa found her forever home and a new female cat friend. As you can see from the latest pictures all is fine, ands after a tough few months Lisa is happy and her future is secure. I am happy for her and hope all her problems are over.
18/06/12: Life has improved greatly for Lisa in the last week. Pam agreed to take her for the last couple of days before the 15.06 transport, and then, because another cat needed Lisa’s foster home urgently, she agreed to foster Lisa until the next transport in July. Within a day of finding herself with more space and less cats, Lisa started to relax and become more herself again. She has now been at Pam’s for almost a week, and you can see from today’s photos that we have a sweet, tame cat again. Athough independent she is fine with Pam’s 3 cats and even Rufus the dog, and is starting to enjoy cuddles again. She wasn’t even too upset about Capone’s rather unwanted advances. It seems Pam’s 6 year old Tomcat has fallen in love and forgotten he is castrated!! A big thank you to Montse for taking Lisa for so long. She reports that her home is much more peaceful without Lisa trying to hit every cat she came across. All is well and peaceful, and I am hoping that now people can see what a beautiful girl Lisa is, she will find a new forever home quickly.

23/05/12: Lisa hasn’t had the best couple of months. She is 6 years old and until recently had I assume a contented apartment life as the only cat of an English man. Unfortunately her owner seems to have got into financial difficulties and disappeared leaving Lisa alone in the apartment for we think about 2 weeks, just with some food and water. She was found when the key-holder called the police to assist in re-possessing the property. Lisa is a tame cat ,and the lady who rescued her carried her in her arms to a temporary foster home, where she was happy to be cuddled. Sadly it wasn’t an option for her to stay there, so I had to arrange for Lisa to go to Montse’s rescue home in Almeria.
From the start poor Lisa has been very stressed there as she hates the number of other cats in her room. I saw her on Saturday for a photo shoot and she was hissing and lashing out at the cats, and me when I tried to stroke her. She was supposed to travel to a lovely foster home in Germany on the last transport but poor Lisa hasn’t had much luck, developing a bad cold the day before. Now I am hoping a foster home will come free for the 15.06 transport, as Lisa still needs to move urgently. The new photos are better, so maybe her luck will change and somebody will fall in love with her in time for her to travel directly to a new family. Here’s hoping! She is a very pretty girl and the lovely tame cat is still in there. Life is just not what she is used to at the moment!