15/06/11: Little Sara has actually been in her new home a couple of weeks now, and all is fine apart from a flare-up of her gum problem. Kerstin thinks this may be the stress of her move as Sara is a little nervous, and being parted from her best friend Tigger. He is her protector. The news today is that Tigger will be joining Sara in her forever home on Monday. I am very happy that these 2 are being re-united sooner than expected, and wish them and the family’s little kitten a very happy life together.
18/05/11: Today I had news that little Sara has her adoptant AND it is possible they may also adopt her best friend Tigger.
Sara joined FiV positive Tigger in his foster home, because when she travelled to Germany we believed she was also positive for FiV. This turned out to be not the case, but as Tigger loves her and was never going to bite her, these 2 friends were allowed to stay together. Below is Kerstin’s email:
“Sara will have a home… yesterday the interested family met her and after meeting I made the homecheck… they think about also keeping Tigger, … the man would keep both next days… the woman first wants to keep Sara and later perhaps Tigger, too… the man and the kids really fallen in love with Tigger… because he is a so lovely and relaxed boy that all the time he cuddled with the kids and gave them kisses… and looked after Sara because she runs under the bed…
so now I only need the question paper back and then they must tell me when she can move… they have a little kitten of 10-12 weeks at the moment… and they do not see a risk that Tigger would bite her or give her FIV… I do not believe this, too…”
Sounds promising. Here’s hoping they do decide to adopt Tigger too!
29/03/11: Great news today. Sara’s latest lab test result for FiV is negative, so things are looking much better for her.
I now think her original lab test must have been done too soon after her false positive quick test, but the important thing is that she IS negative! Her mouth problem now looks like an auto-immune condition, and the vet in Germany is much more confident that with the right treatment, it will clear up. Here’s hoping she will be a very healthy little cat soon.
28/03/11: Little Sara is now almost a year old, born April 2010, and was rescued by a couple who live near Sorbas, and then helped by Matt, one of AlStray’s partners.
Hers is not yet such a happy story as this sweet girl has twice tested positive for FiV, first when she had her quick test, and then when she had a subsequent lab test. She travelled to Germany on the January 21st transport and has just had a 3rd test there in the hope that her others may have been false. We WERE surprised as she was so young when first tested, but I have a bad feeling that this one will be positive too.
FiV is not necessarily a terrible problem as many cats live long lives and never suffer too much from what is commonly called cat aids. What makes Sara’s case worrying is she has developed a very inflamed mouth (Stomatitis), which can be a strong indication of immunodeficiency.
She is however being VERY well looked after in her foster home in Germany, has been joined there recently by Tigger, and is looking happy. Her foster Mum thinks she is a sweet little girl, and loves her. I wish her well and hope for better news of her soon.
Below are her latest photos:
Just after she arrived in her foster home at the end of January:

Sara in Germany

Sara in Germany

Sara in Germany
Earlier Photos From Spain:
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